Dorado, A; Terrasa, J.L; Van der Meulen, M; González-Roldán, A.M.. , "Pain processing is differently affected by chronic pain and aging". "TEAP 2023", Germany, 2023. Speech.
Terrasa, J.L.; Sitges, C.; González-Roldán, A.M.. , "Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on pain modulation in elderly people with chronic pain.". "XIII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Psicofisiología y Neurociencia Cognitiva y Afectiva (SEPNECA)", Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2023. Poster.
González-Roldán, A.M., Dorado, A., Terrasa, J.L., Delgado, M., Alegre, S., Barros-Loscertales, A.; Sitges, C.. , "Chronic pain in aging alters descending nociceptive modulatory pathways: an fMRI resting-state study.". "XIII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Psicofisiología y Neurociencia Cognitiva y Afectiva", Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2023. Poster.
Dorado, A., Terrasa, J.L., Rodríguez-Alegre, S.; Barros-Loscertales, A.; Van der Meulen, M.; González-Roldán, A.M.. , "Altered endogenous pain inhibitory function in older adults with chronic pain: and fMRI study". "11th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience", Granada, Spain, 2023. Poster.
Dorado, A., Rodríguez-Alegre, S.; Barros-Loscertales, A.; Terrasa, J.L., Van der Meulen, M.; González-Roldán, A.M.. , "Differences in WCST associated with chronic pain in aging: a VBM pilot study". "11th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience", Granada, Spain, 2023. Poster.
García-Dopico, N.; Velasco-Roldán, O.; González-Roldán, A.M.; Terrasa, J.L.; Parmentier, F.; Sitges, C.. , "What are the strategies used by people with chronic low back pain versus healthy controls to solve the left-right judgement task?". "13th Congress of the European Pain Federation (EFIC)", Hungary, 2023. Poster.
Patricia García-Pazo; Joana Fornés-Vives; Albert Sesé Abad. , "Deshabituación tabáquica: Eficacia de la mHealth NoFumo+ en el fumador hospitalizado". "I Jornadas del Doctorado en Salut Global, Serveis de Salut i Atneció Sociosantària", Palma, Spain, 2023. Paper presentation.
Patricia García-Pazo; Xandra Gónzalez García; Antonia Pades Jiménez.. , "El uso de la Simulación Clínica en situación de duelo como método de enseñanza de aprendizaje en alumnado de enfermería". "XL Congreso Nacional de Enfermería de Salud Mental", Spain, 2023. Poster.
Maria Del Carmen Alorda Alorda Terrasa, Antonia Pades Jimenez, Maria Magdalena Borràs Mateu, Patricia García Pazo. , "Fomentar la empatía en universitarios de Ciencias de las Salud: uso del cuento y del relato". "XXXII Congreso de Comunicación y Salud", Spain, 2023. Speech.
Xandra Gónzalez García; Antonia Pades Jiménez; Patricia García Pazo. , "El enfoque de dialogo abierto como tratamiento en un primer episodico psicótico". "XL Congreso Nacional de Enfermería de Salud Mental", Spain, 2023. Poster.
Terrasa, J.L.; Winterholler, C.; Montoya, P.; Mas, A.; Montoro, C.. , "Modulatory effects of anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on somatosensory gating in patients with Fibromyalgia Syndrome". "11th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience", Granada, Spain, 2023. Poster.
García-Pazo, Patricia; Gervilla García, Elena; Anupol Barcebal, Joella; Pades Jiménez, Antonia; Borras Sansaloni, Carmen; González García, Xandra; Socias Crespi, Llorenç. ?. , "MITOS Y CONOCIMIENTOS SOBRE EL SUICIDIO EN EL COLECTIVO UNIVERSITARIO". "X Jornadas Idisba", Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2023. Poster.
Servera, M.. , "S17. El Síndrome de Desconexión Cognitiva (SDC): Evaluación e Implicaciones.". "9th International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology in Children and Adolescents", Valencia, Spain, 2023. Chair of session.
Moreno-García, I; Servera, M.; Cano-Crespo, A.; Sáez, B.. , "CS67. Evaluación multi-informante del Cognitive Disengagement Syndrome. Relación con sintomatología internalizante y externalizante.". "9th International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology in Children and Adolescents", Valencia, Spain, 2023. Paper presentation.
Cano-Crespo, A.; Moreno-García, I; Servera, M.; Sáez, B.. , "CS68. Las medidas de problemas de suñeo y del Cognitive Disengagement Syndrome (Tempo Cognitivo Lento) evaluadas por padres, madres e hijos. Diferenciación y relación con otras medidas.". "9th International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology in Children and Adolescents", Valencia, Spain, 2023. Paper presentation.
Sáez, B.; Servera, M.; Moreno-García, I; Cano-Crespo, A.. , "CS70. Diferenciación categorial del SDC (o Tempo Cognitivo Lento) y el TDAH en medidas psicopatológicas.". "9th International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology in Children and Adolescents", Valencia, Spain, 2023. Paper presentation.
Servera, M.. , "CS69. Actualización en la medida del SDC/Tempo Cognitivo Lento a través del CABI-2022". "9th International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology in Children and Adolescents", Valencia, Spain, 2023. Paper presentation.
Sáez, B; Servera, M.. , "The influence of cognitive disengagement syndrome (sluggish cognitive tempo) on the neuropsychological assessment of children with ADHD". "9th Wold Congress on ADHD", Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2023. Poster.
Servera, M.. , "El reto de la atención psicológica infantojuvenil: deseos y necesidades.". "Aportaciones de la psicología infantojuvenil a la sociedad", Bilbao, Spain, 2023. Speech.
Servera, M.. , "9th International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology in Children and Adolescents". "9th International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology in Children and Adolescents", Valencia, Spain, 2023. Participation in scientific committee.
Pau Martinez-Bueso, Olga Velasco-Roldán, Iosune Salinas-Bueno, Inmaculada Riquelme-Agulló, Elisa Bosch-Donate. , "Competency-based education advances in Higher Education in Health". "9th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'23)", Spain, 2023. Speech.
Olga Velasco Roldán. , "Competencias para la nueva era de rehabilitación digital centrada en el usuario (DIRENE)". "V Jornadas de Experiencias Docentes", Spain, 2023. Speech.
Álvaro Sabater-Gárriz, José Joaquín Cerón, Pedro Montoya, Inmaculada Riquelme. , "A composite index of salivary metabolites and observational variables to assess pain in people with cerebral palsy and communication disorders". "35th EACD Annual Meeting European Academy of Childhood Disability", Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2023. Publication data: ISBN 978-961-7043-11-2 (PDF). Poster.
Inmaculada Riquelme, Álvaro Sabater-Gárriz, Miguel Juan Pérez Herrero, Juan Pedro Quesada. , "Pain sensitivity is associated to emotion and behavior impairments in children with autism spectrum disorders". "35th EACD Annual Meeting European Academy of Childhood Disability", Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2023. Publication data: ISBN 978-961-7043-11-2 (PDF). Speech.
Alejandro Galvez Pol, Ana Tajadura-Jimenez, Laura Crucianelli. . "Body Representation Network Conference 2023", Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2023. Chair of organising committee.
Patricia García-Pazo; Joana Mª Sánchez García; Catalina Morro; Araceli Muñoz; Federico Leguizamo; Elena Gervilla. , "Brief advice to quit smoking on discharge from hospital: a vision from the professional heatlh of the difficulties of its implementation". "14th EUSPR Conference and Members' meeting", Sarajevo, Bosnia And Herzegovina, 2023. Poster.
Velasco Roldán, O.. . "I Congreso Nacional de Gestores en Fisioterapia.", Spain, 2023. Chair of organising committee.
Olga Velasco-Roldán. , "Direne: Competences for the new era of user-driven digital rehabilitation". "II Jornadas de Investigación del Departament d'Infermeria i Fisioterapia" y I Jornada del Doctorado en Salut Global, Serveis i Salut i Atenció Sociosanitària.", Spain, 2023. Speech.
Velasco Roldán, O.. . "Jornadas sobre competencias en Rehabilitación Digital.", Spain, 2023. Participation in organising committee.
Serrano-Ripoll, M.J.; Fiol-deRoque, M.A.; Mira, S.; Pastor-Moreno, G.; García-Buades, E.; Gervilla, E.; Sitges, C.; Zamanillo, R.; Ricci Cabello, I.. , "Evaluation of processes of PsycovidApp, an App aimed at protecting the mental health of healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic". "Implementation Research Scientific Conference", Spain, 2023. Poster.